sábado, 24 de abril de 2021


"From the time they first arrived, the invaders showed strong opposition to Tantric Shivaism, which finds its strength in being rooted in worship devoted to the Great Goddess. A warlike society cannot tolerate a culture for which the female is so central, as both origin and way of enlightenment, master and initiator. This goes against all that Puritanism and other invading forces stood for.

In Shivaism, the female embodies the power; the male, the capacity for wonder. Many of the masters were, and still are, women. Certain lineages are transmitted only through women, and, as an adept, the woman has greater credit than the man in terms of power, courage, and depth of vision. The texts clearly state: "What a male tantrika realizes in one year, a female adept attains in one day," as if, all by herself, she is naturally rooted in all that makes up the forgotten substratum that the great ancient religions have in common.

From the Celts to the Dravidians of the Indus valley, from Egypt to Babylon, the basis of the human psyche is entirely woven out of the divinity of the female. The various surges of the hordes, often less barbarian than they say, and bearers of great cultural forces, skills, and knowledge that breathed new life into Hinduism and allowed the arts their marvelous flowering, never succeeded in subduing this mysterious feminine power, still alive today in Tantrism.

No moral discredit whatsoever mars the woman. Far from being the source of sin, temptation, and damnation as in the three great monotheistic religions, as well as in certain tendencies of Hinduism and Buddhism, she is, on the contrary, the power and force for transmission of the highest mystical teaching.

These feminine values, which give a unique and very contemporary air to Tantrism, can be defined briefly as deep, harmonious, and peaceful strength as opposed to violence. Spontaneity and openness as opposed to artificial moral order, hypocrisy, Puritanism. Non-duality which restores completeness to being human by locating the divine within the self.  ()

All this apprenticeship is aimed at transforming the man's ordinary and mediocre climax into a climax of slow and constantly increasing waves, which makes him capable of experiencing the pleasure of the woman and honoring the goddess as he should. The normal male orgasm is an act of violence against the woman. It's an expression of male impotence, using this brief pleasure like a knife to take a stab at all that's hidden deep within her infinitely capable body. When the tantrika discovers that his pleasure is no longer bound up with coming as quickly as possible, too quickly to satisfy a woman, he discovers all the richness of his feminine side. And discovering that, he rises to the power of the woman and the part. ()

Using your mastery of the breath, the mental elements, the sperm, you will offer any number oforgasms to the goddess. Through the control of my internal muscles, my sweet smell, my vital power, my trembling force, I will make you come the same number of times, without ejaculating, each orgasm stronger than the last."

In: Tantric Quest, Daniel Odier

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